An interesting intitiavie on SHM has an updated website.
The charter of the U.S. Panel on Structural Control and Monitoring is to accelerate the advancement of the science and practice of structural control and monitoring, by means of education, research and application of knowledge. This includes the response of large-scale structures to earthquakes, wind and man-made forces. The U.S. Panel promotes and organizes activities including workshops, conferences and educational initiatives with the aim of fostering close collaboration between the academic and industrial communities. In particular, the U.S. Panel has a proud tradition of assisting in the planning and execution of the International Workshop on Structural Control and Monitoring and the World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring.
The website ca be found here: http://shm.engin.umich.edu/USPanel/index.html
The Executive committe is chaired by prof. Shirley Dyke (Washington University) and prof. Jerome Lynch (University of Michigan, secretary).
It contains useful information about SHM , conferences and test reports.
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