Thursday, August 27, 2009

SHMLive Presentation

This video introduces SHMLive:

Saturday, August 15, 2009

National Instruments intruduces SHM Kit

National Instruments has introduced an SHM system:

The NI Wi-Fi Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) System is based on NI Wi-Fi data acquisition (DAQ) devices, which combine IEEE 802.11 wireless or Ethernet communication, direct sensor connectivity, and the flexibility of NI LabVIEW software for remote monitoring of electrical, physical, mechanical, and acoustical signals. With built-in signal conditioning and the highest commercially available network security, NI Wi-Fi DAQ devices stream data in real time for easy-to-use, high-performance remote measurements.

The NI Wi-Fi SHM System features four accelerometer and four strain input channels; however, the system is expandable for additional measurements. The accelerometer channels offer software-selectable IEPE signal conditioning, 24-bit resolution, 102 dB dynamic range, 51.2 kS/s maximum simultaneous sampling, and antialiasing filters. The strain channels provide 24-bit resolution, 50 kS/s maximum simultaneous sampling, programmable half- and full-bridge completion, 1000 Vrms transient isolation, and transducer electronic data sheet (TEDS) smart sensor compatibility. The system also offers mixed-measurement capability for temperature, voltage, and other variables.

It appears to be a combination of wireless data acquisiton system, a few accellerometers and
Labview. So it is missing several key components for a true SHM system. It is probably aiming more the industrial sector and not the civil engineering Strucutral Health Monitoring segment that usually requires more sofisticated multi-sensor, multi-parameter solutions, along with data analysis and remote data trasmission.